Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Top 10 Things About Lance

1. If I raced against him and was clean I wouldn’t forgive him.

2. If I was on his team and bullied by him I wouldn’t forgive him.

3. If he was my son I would forgive him and not return the great presents he gave me.

4. If I was a beneficiary of Livestrong and my health improved as a result I would forgive him and still admire him.

5. If I bought something with his name on it and paid extra, I’d be a little miffed but I would get over it. He didn’t make me buy the Lance-O-Matic.

6. If I paid him millions to endorse my products I should have known he was cheating. I would not forgive myself. But I probably wouldn’t return the money I made off of him.

7. If I was involved with bike racing and knew he was cheating and did nothing about it I would keep my mouth shut.

8. If I was a government employee spending a ton of the public’s money trying to investigate him I would find something better to do for America.

9. If I was a Lance fan and believed him when he said he was clean I would never forgive him and make more worthy people, like my parents, my heroes.

10. If I was an old runner/triathlete who likes to watch some racing I would realize that there is good and bad in all of us and that I have my own life which should not be so affected by TV stars, athletes, and politicians. I would move on and be thankful for being an anonymous regular guy.

1 comment:

  1. I entrusted my blood donation to the Red Cross hoping to have it available before my last big race. Seems they gave my blood to some anonymous person in the hospital. Damn.
    If I were a pro athlete and was told my cancer had a 40-60% chance of killing me I might be persuaded to take PED's (assuming I could come back to the sport). I'd want to get as much money and success as possible for myself and my family before I died.
