Thursday, January 3, 2013

Looking Back, Looking Ahead

I had many running goals for 2012 but really met only two of them; completing my first (and last) half-ironman and my fifth (and last) Marine Corps Marathon. MCM was also the 19th marathon I completed (and last). I also finished fourth in the Rochester Runner of the Year contest, which was nice. (Jan and Pete also finished fourth. Top five get awards).

The marathon has always been a challenging distance for me, at least to complete it at the pace I wanted. My goal was always to qualify for Boston and many times run much faster than the necessary time required. This usually resulted in me not reaching either time goal. I made the BQ time once and ran the 1996 Boston Marathon. If you look at the race time prediction charts none of my marathon times match up to what the charts said I was capable of running. This includes when I used to run 37-39 minute 10k's to the 45-49 minute 10k's I run now.

Since ultra-distance races (which I consider anything longer than the Olympic distance triathlon and half-marathons in running) are out of my future plans, here, finally, are my sports goals for 2013.

1. Beat Mike Weinpress in every race we compete in. He has been a training partner, racing nemesis and friend for longer than we can remember. I think we both had hair on our heads when we began running. Despite this I still enjoy beating him in a race and know I had a good race when this does happen. 2013 will be the year of "beat MW".
2. Train for and run a "fast" mile on the track. In 30 years of running I never trained specifically for the mile and my fastest ever was a 5:13, though there were a few times I ran in the 5:20's during longer races. I'm spending the next eight weeks or so doing just that. Fast now means under 6 minutes. This training will leap-frog me into faster 5k's -10k's for 2013.
3. Run under 7 minutes a mile at races in the 5k-5 mile distances and 45 minutes or less in at least one 10k.
4. Bench press 200lb 4x on my home gym weight machine. My best ever is 200lb one time.
5. Beat Amanda and Jan on our virtual bike trip to Oregon - 3,000 miles.
6. Commute to and/or from work by bike more often, at least 1x per week when weather allows.
7. Lose at least 6lbs. During a recent physical exam my doctor said I was in good shape, but noted 5 years ago they weighed me in at 170 and 3 years before that 162. Dr. Sarnov said I must have been training hard for some race to be 162. That was the year I missed a BQ time at MCM by 63 seconds and ran the Philadelphia Marathon 4 weeks later, missing BQ by 10 minutes. He laughed when I said I knew I was fat and needed to lose weight.

That's all the goals for now. Feel free to share one or more of your goals.

1 comment:

  1. Great set of goals. We need to find a race for January. If you didn't care if I beat you it wouldn't be fun to run with you. There were a few years you kept beating me. I found that inspiring. See
