Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Sports Business Venture - Alternative Facts

Now that it's appropriate to give information using "alternative facts" I've decided to change my blog to one that may stretch the truth regarding anything around sports. This should greatly increase readership and people re-posting my falsehoods, I mean "facts". In turn I can quit my day job and work from home writing bogus articles and collecting money.

I see this as a win-win. Readers get flamboyant headlines that will touch some raw emotion and stir them to share my articles and I get rich being a fake news writer. America truly is Great again!  How many readers bother to check and see if any articles are fact, semi-fact or all fiction?

To begin 2017 with a bang, here are the top ten sports news items you should know right now;

1. Jim Kelly is coming out of retirement to lead the Buffalo Bills at QB. 
2. Local Spencerport resident retires from factory after 40 years, trains an hour a day and wins the Lake Placid 70.3 mile race. Amazing for a 62 year old man. 
3. No performance enhancing drugs were involved in either one or two (sure)
4. Trump requires each MLB team to hire Russian coaches to be their strength trainers. No other coaches know as much about drugs as the Russians and they are his friends. 
5. The Buffalo Sabres get awarded the Stanley Cup. (awarded, they don't win it, that would be ridiculous. They just get to keep it for a night and dream). 
6. Derek Jeter is buying the NY Yankees. Yes, he will be back at shortstop, who wouldn't want to be a player-owner? 
7. Tom Brady will win the Super Bowl (again), punch NFL commissioner Goodell at the ceremony, tear the trophy open with his bear hands and drink champagne out of it. 

8.  Running with a dog is passe. People now run with their miniature horses. The horse can carry its' own poop bag, small shovel, water for itself and the owner, and is easily kept in any suburban fenced- in yard. Trail running will take over road 5k's as the most popular running event in the U.S.
9. I will have a side business hauling away manure from every runner who has a miniature horse. Renaming the manure to "Organically Grown Fertilizer: especially processed for gardens" will make this an easy sell. Jan (my wife) is sure to help me shovel poop! Cross-training at its' best.
10. My oldest daughter will create a dvd series of alternative exercise you can do with a miniature horse. They are sure to become bestsellers, since I will sell them on my million dollar making blog.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Recovery Method from Indoor Bike Training

After a twenty mile indoor bike ride and cooking an amazing Shepard's Pie for dinner with my wife, why shouldn't I be rewarded with a Southern Comfort while doing the dishes?

In some circles SoCo is considered a recovery drink. Oh, okay, maybe only in my circle. Still, it was nice to sip on between scrubbing pots and pans.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Bobke TV - Fortune Cookie Chronicles

Bob Roll was a professional bicycle racer in the 1980-1990 era. He competed in the Tour de France and dozens of other events. Roll was also quite competitive in mountain bike races. He has been a television commentator for many years during the Tour de France.

Roll is quite humorous but also insightful during his commentary. Below is a video from his most recent Fortune Cookie Chronicles on three ways biking may improve your life.

When I think back through my life it's amazing how much I really rode a bike. As a kid I always had a bike and rode everywhere. As a teenager I often rode to school and around town. It just seemed a natural thing to do. In adult life I kind of lost my use of a bike, but did commute to work on occasion. It wasn't until the past ten years or so that I have reconnected with bicycling. Much of that is due to trying to complete duathlons or triathlons, but also commuting to work.

Why do you ride?

Friday, January 6, 2017

Adidas - Break Free

I'm not promoting Adidas products by sharing this video, I just found it really moving. I can see a few people among my running buddies being like this man.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Year of the Triathlon

Thankfully 2016 is in the books and we can move on to what is sure to be an interesting 2017. A new president, a new age group for me (60+), my phased-in-retirement begins in late April (4 day work weeks) and a few of us crazily agreed to make the Lake Placid half-ironman our season goal. Jan, myself, Mike and Eileen W are doing the full distance 70.3m race and Joanne and Lou K are doing a relay.

The mindset of becoming a long-distance triathlete instead of just a runner has already begun for Jan and myself. We began swimming in earnest during December and added some biking on our indoor trainers. I have missed the dead leg feeling you get after biking and then trying to run (not). The race isn't until September 10th, but we feel there is much to work on.

To this end I have ten goals to achieve (by around 2-3pm) on September 10;

1. Make swimming 2,000 yards during my pool workouts the norm.
2. Once Canandiagua Lake warms up swims there have to be at least 2 miles. No more .5-1 mile and then have a couple of beers. I don't want to come out of Mirror Lake on 9/10 feeling exhausted.
3. Possibly do the Keuka Lake triathlon in June.
4. Do the Musselman sprint triathlon on July 15.
5. Continue doing a few running races, particularly the Rochester Runner of the Year races  now that I'm in a new age group.
6. By March I want my long bike ride to be at least 50 miles once per week.
7. Run a half-marathon before June.
8. At least once in July & August bike around Canandaigua Lake (about 45 miles) after swimming 2 miles in the lake.
9. Complete the 70.3 mile race at Lake Placid. I'm not really concerned with time, though I would love to finish faster than the one other time I completed this distance (at Tupper Lake, NY).
10. I want to enjoy the process of training.