Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Year of the Triathlon

Thankfully 2016 is in the books and we can move on to what is sure to be an interesting 2017. A new president, a new age group for me (60+), my phased-in-retirement begins in late April (4 day work weeks) and a few of us crazily agreed to make the Lake Placid half-ironman our season goal. Jan, myself, Mike and Eileen W are doing the full distance 70.3m race and Joanne and Lou K are doing a relay.

The mindset of becoming a long-distance triathlete instead of just a runner has already begun for Jan and myself. We began swimming in earnest during December and added some biking on our indoor trainers. I have missed the dead leg feeling you get after biking and then trying to run (not). The race isn't until September 10th, but we feel there is much to work on.

To this end I have ten goals to achieve (by around 2-3pm) on September 10;

1. Make swimming 2,000 yards during my pool workouts the norm.
2. Once Canandiagua Lake warms up swims there have to be at least 2 miles. No more .5-1 mile and then have a couple of beers. I don't want to come out of Mirror Lake on 9/10 feeling exhausted.
3. Possibly do the Keuka Lake triathlon in June.
4. Do the Musselman sprint triathlon on July 15.
5. Continue doing a few running races, particularly the Rochester Runner of the Year races  now that I'm in a new age group.
6. By March I want my long bike ride to be at least 50 miles once per week.
7. Run a half-marathon before June.
8. At least once in July & August bike around Canandaigua Lake (about 45 miles) after swimming 2 miles in the lake.
9. Complete the 70.3 mile race at Lake Placid. I'm not really concerned with time, though I would love to finish faster than the one other time I completed this distance (at Tupper Lake, NY).
10. I want to enjoy the process of training.

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