Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Are We Almost Home?

"No Mike, we are only in Holley, there are still 30 miles to bike". "Why are we going into the wind, I thought you said it would be at our backs?" "I don't want to see the lake, Eileen". "What day is it?"

This is some of the conversation you can expect on a bike ride with Mike W. On a beautiful Monday morning four of us rode from Spencerport through Brockport, Holley, Kendall, Hamlin Beach State Park, Hamlin, before returning home. It turns out I was a little off in my mileage estimate of 44, as we completed over 53 miles.

The ride turned out great and was the farthest Mike has ridden by more than 20 miles. Despite some whining he did great.


  1. I wish I had known you were riding. I did 50 the same morning through Bergen, Byron and Holley and points west.

  2. I only whined once...for 3 hours.

  3. We thought of others to join us on the ride too late. We almost stopped at your house for coffee though. Sorry. Next time.
