Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Race Registration Fees

The trend, which is only going to increase, is for races to encourage online entry. There are some races where you don’t have a choice. Register online or don’t race. I understand the basic reasoning:

1. “Green” – no paper wasted

2. Volunteers or paid staff not needed to open and process hundreds of entry forms

3. No hectic last minute race day registration for participants, volunteers or the timing company

4. Easier to collect information from participants that can later be used to market directly to known customers

5. Transfer of data from electronic entries to timing database much easier than hand entry

6. Guaranteed money to use for expenses before the race

There are several companies offering online entry services;,, and are four of the largest. The fee structures are a bit different for each of them, but know that they are all in the business to make money. Currently only charges $1 for any race. Most companies charge a graduated fee depending on the race registration cost, from $2.00 to a percentage if registration is over $50. is charging a 14% fee to register online for Johnny’s Running of the Green in Rochester (I chose the paper form and paid for the stamp, saving $6.00 for my wife and myself).

What do customers get in return for the fee of paying online? This is what I don’t understand. The privilege of paying by credit card instead of a check? Not standing in line for late registration? Most races charge extra for day-of registration, so it’s not like they are losing money on that.

The race scene has changed dramatically over the last ten years with many selling out in days, hours or even minutes of opening registration. I get that online is the only way to handle this scenario. But your local 5 mile race is going to add 14% to your race fee? That I don’t understand. If directors take away the option of paper entry then I have a choice – pay the fee or don’t race. There may be times where I choose not to race.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, and does it really cost the race more for me to register online if registration is $20 or $90? No, but most of these companies charge more and the cost is passed on to the participant.
