Monday, February 18, 2013

Father Time

Congratulations to our buddy Pete on running the Myrtle Beach Marathon in 3:52. There are many reasons why this is an incredible time. First off, Pete is close to 120 years old. I exaggerate...a little. 2nd, He runs a lot with no shoes. According to Mrs. L, he hardly wears shoes at all. Right now I am unsure if he ran barefoot, but even his "long run shoes" are little more than slippers with a $100 logo. Third, Pete had to do a lot of his training in the winter with us. It is cold, windy, icy, snowy, and his running partners, me being one, are not the most stimulating group to run with. The other day we spend an hour discussing Big Bang Theory and trying to remember the what the pretty lady's name is on Modern Family. Pete is lucky he stayed awake. Finally, 26.2 miles run in under 4 hours is hard! That is a long way to go without a horse or Mike's Amish buggy. Pete describes himself as a skinny old man, exactly what I want to be when I grow up. Nice job, Pete.


  1. Congratulations Pete! I bet you will be in the elite corral at Boston 2014!

  2. It's a group effort. Thanks for the help.
