This isn't too much of a secret, with 200+ people participating every December, but the Pineway Ponds 5 mile race (now a Freezeroo) is a nice run. The course has two minor hills and a gradual incline up Trimmer and part of Canal road that makes the fourth mile slower than you might expect.
The first Pineway Ponds races were directed by Bill Kehoe and the CATS athletic club. MW and I helped Bill measure and design the course, which originally went in the opposite direction of the current Freezeroo. Many of our Sal's members, as usual, volunteered for these races and/or ran them. Pineway Ponds replaced the 10k kick Canal Days race course.
For awhile Kehoe also had a 4+ mile winter race utilizing Pineway Ponds as part of his Polar Cats series.
The current course heads east on Park Road, left onto Union st, left onto Clearview Drive, right on Ritson, right on Sandstone, left on Union, left on Ogden Town Line road, left on Trimmer, left on Canal road, left on Union, left into park. Mike and I designed it this way to go against traffic, which we felt was safer, and made the intersections safe (as long as runners aren't stupid and run in the middle of road, as some choose to do).
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