Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011 Goals

What is a new year of running without goals? Here are my top ten exercise goals for 2011.

10. Lose 8+ pounds. Yes, for a normal human I am considered thin, for a runner who wants to be as fast and efficient as possible, I have a muffin top belly that needs to go away. This means cutting back on cookies, alcohol and controlling myself when a pizza is placed on the table. Maybe I should even eat a few more vegetables.
9. Stay injury free. Lost this one already as I am sitting here on January 2 with Jan's medical boot on so my achilles tendon stays immobile. I aggravated the achilles on Friday during a run and though it is not serious it seems rest would be best for a few days. After this, though, I will be injury free!
8. Race less often. Jan and I will both be picking our races carefully and aiming for just a couple of really big events (big meaning important, wanting to run at our best, not size of event).
7. Beat Lou and Mike and any other Sal's runner who dares to race me at the Lake Placid 1/2 marathon on June 12.
6. Qualify for the Boston Marathon at a yet to be determined fall marathon. My 2012 qualifying time is 3:45:59, which should be doable, but I've said many times in the past whatever time I needed was doable and only made it once.
5. Commute to and from work on my bike much more often, saving the predicted $4 per gallon cost of gas, the drudgery of driving on I490/I390 to MCC, and helping my weight and racing goals.
4. 2011 is probably a year of not participating in a triathlon for me. I see another attempt at completing the 1/2 IM distance as a goal for 2012 or later.
3. Continuing to swim, especially in Canandaigua Lake during the summer, but only because I like it, not for any competition goal.
2. Lifting weights more and increasing the amount of weight I can lift, then I will get a V-shape instead of Pencilboy look. This has been a goal since high school, so maybe at 54 it is unlikely. But, I enjoy weight training, if I couldn't run much or at all I would lift a lot even if I didn't get bulging muscles. I believe weight training is more important the older we get.
1. Bike around three or more of the Finger Lakes. We seem to annually do Canandaigua, but this year I would like to add Keuka and Seneca Lakes. Staying overnight in this area and enjoying a winery or two might be a good reward for completing this endeavor.


  1. good list. Looking forward to Lake Placid. How about we add swimming across the finger lakes? Start with Canandaigua. If Mike and Eileen can teach us how to Kayak, we can take turns spotting for each other.

  2. I'd be up for that, though Seneca might be too scary for me.

  3. Mike
    I was up for Lake Placid Half-Marathon until I saw the age groups. I'm 69 for running and they have 10 year age groups, I might as well stay home. Incidentally, Faye and I kayak. I'm up for any swimming in open water or riding around the Finger Lakes. Happy New Year.
