Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Congratulation to Terri Christo and Patty Pirnie for completing the Syracuse 1/2 IM on Sunday!

Sunday, September 19 was also the Finger Lakes Triathlon. It was a close battle between Macho Man Weinpress and the Princess, with Macho Man squeaking through with less than a minute victory. Eileen did finish first in her age group, however, demolishing the competition by 3 minutes. MM was an honorable fourth in his group.

In the Olympic distance, Queenie (Jan) won the swim, transitions were close, but I took the bike and run. Queenie finished third in her age group.

Roger Howe finished second in his age group.

Once again it was made clear that I am a very average triathlete, at best. The most nerve racking part of participating in a triathlon is packing for the event. I've been on week long vacations with three kids that involved less stress.

Things I learned at the Finger Lakes Triathlon:
1. Sunday morning is a busy time for Amish (Mennonite?) families riding in their buggies. I saw at least 6 out on the bike course. Did you know car seats aren't required in buggies? Don't they get cold in the winter, there's no heat in those things? Maybe thinking about this stuff when on the bike is why I bike slow?
2. Evidently suitcases are okay to have in transition?
3. I still cannot swim in a straight line unless in a pool with markers.
4. Flat tires stink. I didn't have one, but saw 10 people out of the race, at least temporarily, with one.
5. Spit in your goggles before the swim. Foggy goggles do not help with sighting.
6. Canandaigua Lake has really tall weeds growing up from the bottom, even at 800 yards out. I thought I was in the Goblet of Fire/Harry Potter movie.
7. Transitions are a great place to rest and be laid back. Not really, but it seems to be a habit of mine.
8. 4:30am comes early.
9. Hammer Nutrition works for me and Jan in a race of this distance/time.
10. I can beat Jan when she is not in triathlon shape.

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