This show originated in Japan (called Sasuke) and the rules have been changed a bit for the American audience and competitors. There are qualifying rounds across the United States, with the top 30 from each making it to the finals in Las Vegas. A $500,000 prize awaits the winner.
It is unusual for women to make the top 30, but I think that is due to many of the obstacles being designed for upper body strength and/or longer legs. One woman did make the finals in Monday night's episode. Competitors will line up days in advance to get a chance to tryout for one of the rounds.
There has been some talk of Sal's creating their own Ninja competition. Why not? We run, jump over deadly garter snakes on the canal path, dodge through thick brush to find a private spot to "meditate" (hoping our toilet paper doesn't run out, or those leaves aren't poison ivy), hop left, then right, then up in the air missing the leash of friendly dogs who of course never bite (until now). It's only natural we design a fair meet for all-comers.
With thanks to Mike W and a bit of editing by me, here are a few of our obstacles;
1. The competitor starts with the dash to the bathroom stepping over the family pet and yesterday’s work clothes.
2. Climb a two-step ladder to reach a light bulb that blew out in the bathroom.
3. After changing the light bulb run to the kitchen garbage can while placing the bulb in the cardboard container vacated by the new bulb. If you break the bulb you are out.
4. Proceed quickly to the balance portion. You stand in the living room. That’s it. Just stand for 20 seconds without falling down.
5. Dash to the chains which are hanging in the garage. Leap to the first chain which is at least six feet up in the air and support your own weight for 3 seconds. Bring the step stool if you can't raise your hands overhead.
6. Jump off the chains and jog to the numchucks that are tied to a tree.
7. Don’t even think of jumping on them. Run around the num chucks and use a ladder to get to the deck platform with the finish button.
Top 30 competitors to finish within the same day move on to the semi-final round which takes place at the Olive Garden, before 6pm, so you can beat the crowd. We can't give away all of the semi-final events, but expect the all-you-can-eat bread and salad to be a big part of this.
Mac is out of the competition. He was standing in the living room and fell over before 20 seconds had passed.