Many scientists consider VO2 max the most important factor in determining success in an aerobic endurance sport. Here are two methods to improve your V02 max in an 8 week period by 5-7%.
1. 15second running at 90-95% max HR with 15second recovery @ 70% HR (repeat 47x)
2. 4x4 minutes @90-95% max HR with 3 minute recovery @ 70% HR
Either method should increase your V02 significantly over the two month period. Do these workouts 1-2 times per week, with a 10 minute warmup and cooldown.
This study ("Aerobic High-Intensity Intervals Improve V02 max more than moderate training", Medical Sports Exercise Journal, 2007) compared long slow distance (45 minutes @ 70%HR, the two methods above, and Lactate Threshold running-85%HR for 24 minutes). Forty athletes were in the study and ran on treadmills set at 5% incline.
The recommendation is to use the 4minute hard/3 minute easy session, as the 47x 15 seconds is difficult for most of us to count up to while sprinting. 95% effort is 15-30 seconds faster than your 5k pace (8minutes per mile for a 5k=2 minutes per quarter, so for the four minutes you would go through each quarter in 1:52-1:56, meaning you would ideally complete more than 1/2 a mile). 90% effort is closer to 10k race pace. It might be wise to begin the interval just under 10k pace and picking the pace up a bit for the last 1-2minutes if you can. Finishing strong is always good.
A workout I always found useful and similar to the two above and equally tough, was 15x 45 seconds at 1 mile pace with 15 seconds jog recovery. Again, I would do this 1x per week as one of my "fast" days. It's easy to time the minute, which I liked. It always took a couple of weeks to get to the 15 reps, if I was really running as hard as I was supposed to be. I always did this workout by feel, not distance. But if you do the same route, say five miles, with a 1 mile warmup, then the 15 reps, then cooldown, you can check the overall time for the workout and/or see how much further you covered in the fast phase than the week before and see the improvement.
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