1. Free food prepared by someone else every day.
2. A warm bed next to a fire.
3. Get to watch tv with my owner, hopefully he/she likes sports.
4. Can poop almost anywhere and my owner has to clean it up.
5. I don't have to groom myself, my owner does this or takes me to a dog spa.
6. When the owner is gone off to work the couch is all mine.
7. No more work, unless work is considered looking out the window and barking when a stranger comes to the door.
8. My owner will take me to parks for walks and runs.
9. I could be a duathlete still, swimming and running.
10. Kids would love me.
Now the question is, what kind of dog would I be? A Labrador or Golden Retriever seem obvious choices. They are above average size, like me, don't need a lot of grooming (almost bald as a human has advantages), need exercise and are good with other dogs. A Belgian Sheepdog would be another good choice, except they are really good watchdogs and I think I would fall asleep too much for this duty. A Treeing Walker Coonhound, unusual variety, but a possibility, except they are extremely agile and elegant in movement - not me!
Then I found my perfect match! An Australian Cattle Dog.

Find what breed of dog you should be at NextDayPets.com
I'm thinking you already have at least 8 of those.