Thursday, December 4, 2008

Cell Phones

Yes, I'm an admitted cell phone hater. Maybe it's because I work in a library and am surrounded by mindless cell phone users who think their scintillating conversations are worthy of everyone else hearing them.

Well, they aren't. Take the damn phone outside the library fool. Can't there be one quiet place for people to study? Let's see, you can't use the phone in class, not allowed in the computer lab connected to the library, but you think it's okay to talk so loudly that everyone within 50 feet can hear you in the library? Idiots.

Anyhow, I'm in the Race with Grace on Thanksgiving Day. Around 3.5 miles into the race I come up on some guy talking to himself, loudly. I begin to pass him and realize, he's not talking to himself, he's on his cell phone telling someone where he is in the race. I'm not sure if the person he was talking to was also in the race. We live in a sad society if you can't be without your cell phone for 45-50 minutes while you are in a race!

I know USATF rules state this is illegal. But even if they didn't, it's just stupid and sad.

At least it was hands-free and I beat him, by minutes. Maybe he had more conversations that slowed him down?

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