Sunday, December 14, 2008

We-Tri Eastside YMCA

What better way to begin a Sunday morning in December than an indoor triathlon? Four Sals members battled it out for pride and a bottle of wine. Congratulations to Loubikekiller Katz for winning the contest!

We can also now count MW as an official triathlete, as he finished his first three- sport contest.

Points were scored for the number of swim laps, bike and run miles completed. Lou, Mike and I completed 28 laps in the pool in 15 minutes (700 yards). Jan floated along to 800 yards. Lou completed 8 miles on the bike, MW 7.5 miles, Jan 7.1 miles and me, Mrslowtransitionman, 6.6 miles. That's what happens when you sit toweling off for too long in the changing room.

In the run Lou did 2.26 miles, MW 2.25 miles, Jan 1.98 miles and I did 2.29. Each event lasted 15 minutes, with transition times of 5 minutes, except for me, who took over 6 minutes after the swim. Overall Lou was 3/4 in his age group, Jan 2/11, MW 3/9 and me 4/9.

Total points were; Lou - 223.7. MW - 218, Jan 214, Me - 209.5.


  1. I think when MM learns that the locker room is not supposed to be his happy place he will lower his transition and overall time quite a bit! Lou
