Sunday, December 21, 2008

Let it Snow

Oh the weather outside is frightful,
That's why I'm inside on my bicycle,
And since we've no place to go,
Let's ride! Let's ride! Let's ride!

It doesn't show signs of pausing,
And Coach Troy, he is so demanding,
With Jan riding along side encouraging,
Let's ride! Let's ride! Let's ride!

When the dvd finally finishes,
How I'll hate going out to shovel!
But if I can ride for three hours,
I can come back and stay warm in our hovel.

My energy is slowly fading,
And, my dear, the snow keeps blowing,
But as long as you love me so,
Let's ride! Let's ride! Let's ride!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

We-Tri Eastside YMCA

What better way to begin a Sunday morning in December than an indoor triathlon? Four Sals members battled it out for pride and a bottle of wine. Congratulations to Loubikekiller Katz for winning the contest!

We can also now count MW as an official triathlete, as he finished his first three- sport contest.

Points were scored for the number of swim laps, bike and run miles completed. Lou, Mike and I completed 28 laps in the pool in 15 minutes (700 yards). Jan floated along to 800 yards. Lou completed 8 miles on the bike, MW 7.5 miles, Jan 7.1 miles and me, Mrslowtransitionman, 6.6 miles. That's what happens when you sit toweling off for too long in the changing room.

In the run Lou did 2.26 miles, MW 2.25 miles, Jan 1.98 miles and I did 2.29. Each event lasted 15 minutes, with transition times of 5 minutes, except for me, who took over 6 minutes after the swim. Overall Lou was 3/4 in his age group, Jan 2/11, MW 3/9 and me 4/9.

Total points were; Lou - 223.7. MW - 218, Jan 214, Me - 209.5.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Breakfast Club Philosophy?

There is a belief in some circles that this is why a certain group of people in Spencerport insist on running at 5:30am, no matter what the weather;

"They go running in the morning, before their brains figure out what they are doing."

Quote modified from original at Run The Planet.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Cell Phones

Yes, I'm an admitted cell phone hater. Maybe it's because I work in a library and am surrounded by mindless cell phone users who think their scintillating conversations are worthy of everyone else hearing them.

Well, they aren't. Take the damn phone outside the library fool. Can't there be one quiet place for people to study? Let's see, you can't use the phone in class, not allowed in the computer lab connected to the library, but you think it's okay to talk so loudly that everyone within 50 feet can hear you in the library? Idiots.

Anyhow, I'm in the Race with Grace on Thanksgiving Day. Around 3.5 miles into the race I come up on some guy talking to himself, loudly. I begin to pass him and realize, he's not talking to himself, he's on his cell phone telling someone where he is in the race. I'm not sure if the person he was talking to was also in the race. We live in a sad society if you can't be without your cell phone for 45-50 minutes while you are in a race!

I know USATF rules state this is illegal. But even if they didn't, it's just stupid and sad.

At least it was hands-free and I beat him, by minutes. Maybe he had more conversations that slowed him down?

Grunts, Groans, Wheezing

Runner's World online has an article on loud runners. Many people have posted comments on how annoying these loud runners are. A couple of people admitted they are loud runners, but the majority hate us.

Yes, us. I am a loud runner. Training partners know I'm not running hard enough if they don't hear the "bear". I don't do it on purpose and would really prefer not making any noise. It actually makes my voice and throat sore for a day or two if I really pushed the pace. It also startles some people, or makes them laugh at me, or warns competitors that I am near.

It's not asthma, been checked. Seems to be weak muscles in my larynx area that close up with repeated deep breathing. I'm a sensitive old man, give me a break, I don't breath loudly on purpose, but if that's what it takes to get the best out of me, so be it.

Keep wearing your headphones, then you won't have to hear me.