I got angry just reading this article on runners who stop in races, oftentimes blocking the path of other runners, just to take a selfie.
What happened to racing? It doesn't matter if you are a sub 5 minute miler or 10 minute miler, just go do your best without the photo op! Are you really trying to race? Obviously not. It's like people I used to see at Disney World with camcorders back in the day, filming everything they were doing. Enjoy the moment NOW. Yes a home movie could be nice, but really, you missed the activity when you should have been enjoying it the most. You were actually detached from the family, not more a part of it.
The same is true for running. No wonder many people don't really consider running a sport to take seriously. If a runner stops in front of me and hinders my running, for a photo op, I assure you some unkind words will spew from my lips.
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