In the book, "Faster: Demystifying the Science of Triathlon Speed", the author uses scientific research from studies done around the world to help athletes go faster in triathlons without taking out a second mortgage.
This will be a three part series. Also - interested in predicting your IM finish time? Go here.
For the swim there are two methods that cost little or nothing to go faster. During the race draft off another swimmer, staying to the side and about mid-body (your outstretched hand should be equal to their armpit). You need to be within about 1.6 feet of the other swimmer if in open water. Your drag is reduced about 40% using this method, which saves considerable energy. During a race it can be difficult to stay consistently within 1.6 feet of another swimmer, but even if you can stay within 3 feet you will save 20% of your energy. Studies show in a 750 meter swim this will have your heart rate 10 beats a minute slower and save on lactate acid building up, a significant advantage when you change to the bike phase.
Two, try and swim at 80-90% effort, not 100%. Studies show swimmers at 85% are faster in the run phase than those swimming at 90-100%. Those athletes who swim at 85% finish about 1:45 faster than the higher effort swim group. (p.33).
If you are spending money, a wetsuit decreases drag by 10% for most triathletes. Swimmers with better form swim faster with wetsuits that are sleeveless, pokey swimmers like me need the buoyancy from having sleeves and the loss of flexibility doesn’t matter as much as being higher in the water. With a wetsuit the stroke cadence decreases by 14%, lactate by 47% and heart rate by 11%, which improved cycling efficiency by 12%. (p. 37).
If you must spend money to try and swim faster, spend it on learning better form by taking lessons and buy a lower cost wetsuit, not the most expensive version you can find.
Gourley, Jim. Faster: Demystifying the Science of Triathlon Speed. Velo Press. Boulder, Colorado. 2013.
I think "doggy paddle" and staying far away from everybody is the most efficient way to go - could just be me :)