Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Who Let the Dogs Out?

A close relative of mine (a daughter living in Alabama perhaps?) has always been fascinated and drawn to animals, and they to her. Anyone who owns two horses, four dogs, two cats and one turtle (was two, but the small one scampered away. A turtle scampering away might be the subject of a future blog article) must love animals.
Andrea...whoops... I mean "this relative", is known to run on the roads near her home. A couple of nights ago two puppies ran up to her, no collars or id's, one was injured and they followed along. Andrea tried to find their home but couldn't. She couldn't just leave them so in the car the puppies went and to the emergency vet clinic.

This incident made Andrea think about whether running is really healthy for her or not. She came up with a top ten list of the bad things running does:
1. Shin Splints

2. Worrying it’s not a shin splint but rather reinjuring my whatever that broke.

3. Being chased by dogs (although this could potentially help with my speed)

4. Having friendly dogs run up that ask me to stop and pet them.

5. Having friendly, injured, homeless dogs run up to me that need my help (although carrying them home is a good way to end the workout).

6. Jumping into the middle of the street to avoid the scary rabbit, bird or plastic bag that made a noise in the bushes. (and I wonder why my horse spooks on trails)

7. Large jeeps with 6 ft confederate flags intentionally driving/beeping at you.

8. Fire ant hills on the side of the road as you leap into the grass to avoid above vehicle.

9. My dog goes crazy if I don’t take him, more to worry about when I do when having to deal with #3.

10. It’s too cold now. It will be too hot in a month.

Andrea has one reason to keep running:

1. Despite all the crap I ate yesterday, I still lost a pound. (I think it’s from #5).

Too cold to Andrea means below 50, in Rochester we would be in shorts and singlets with suntan lotion on.
Oh, new homes are being found for the puppies, not at Andrea's or my house!

1 comment:

  1. Below 50? It was 53 when I went out last night in my capri tights and my calves were cold! I should have worn sweats. Also had on a long sleeve-T and short sleeve one over that. It was too cold to sweat!
