Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Ten Interesting Factoids On Portland

Of course there are many more than 10 interesting things about Portland, Oregon/Beaverton area, but here are a quick few;

1. My son-in-law and youngest daughter (and 1 week old grandaughter!) live here.
2. There are amazing running and biking routes everywhere. Jan and I are trying to experience as many as possible.
3. Within a one hour drive are mountains, rivers, rain forests, the Pacific Ocean, wineries and much more.
4. Portland is the home of local brewed beer and we are trying as many as possible.
5. Portland voted down having the water supply have flouride automatically added. Coincidently, or maybe not, there is a dentist office within a few blocks of anywhere. Jan printed off a dentistry certificate from the internet and soon we will be opening our own office. I will be the dental assistant.
6. Jan and I have run around the Nike headquarters on their pine mulch 2 mile path a few times. We believe we have seen Olympians Kara Goucher and Shalane Flanagan running on the private Nike paved trail across the street. A bit weird, that area is wooded, has many posted signs, and a security guard traverses the path on his moped keeping non-Nike employees away.
7. You are not cool in Portland unless you wear a winter hat with long tassels, whether you are male or female. Jan and I are not cool.
8. Vehicles do not rust. I haven't seen so many pickup trucks or VW bugs from the 1970's since an antique auto show.
9. Tillamook cheese is awesome! I don't eat cheeseburgers, ever. A burger with Tillamook, Oregon cheese is totally different and delicious.
10. Portland is so far from our workplace and in a three hour time difference that it is impossible to think about the possibility of telecommuting to work.

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