Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tupper Lake Tinman

"Raquette Pond was angry that day, my friends, like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli."
Jan/Me Transition Prep
Well, maybe not that bad, but it was a bit undulating for the 8:00-8:20am starting times.

I chose the Tinman race because wetsuits were allowed, the cost was $100+ less than IM trademarked races, and most importantly, the weather would be in the highs of 70-75 at most (Typically I don't race well in heat). I was correct on 2 of the 3 criteria.

It was near 70 at 7am. By noon we were in the 80's with bright sunshine and lots of wind (the wind was okay for the run, a bit rough for the swim and darn hard on 30+ miles of the bike, the 80's did not feel good on the run). Jan opted out of competing for the day, having completed an IM and four previous .5 IM's in her triathlon career, she didn't see the need to beat herself up in the heat and wind. I needed to get the dnf monkey from Disney Florida .5 IM off my back.

Eileen went first, at 8am, for the start of the sprint (.6 mile swim, 18.6 bike, 6.6 run). Lou, Mike and I began in the last wave for the Tinman, at 8:20. Unfortunately Lou had health issues and couldn't complete the swim. Mike decided to talk to the swimmers around him (who talks while swimming?), which gave me an advantage coming out of the water. I ended up about 3 miles ahead of him at the halfway point of the bike, thinking he would reel me in at some point. Unbeknownst to me a flat tire for Mike at 40 miles added another 10+ minutes to his time (why is it always the rear tire?).

Mike W finishing the bike leg. Jan on left cheering.
MM in yellow hanging on for dear life coming down steep hill.
I was a mess in transition, tired, a bit disoriented, Jan came over and got me straightened out and I took off in a full...walk. Then the hills and heat really got to me. Fortunately Jan and Lou met me around 5+ miles with water, electrolytes and most importantly moral support. That's when I found out Mike had dropped out in the first mile of the run with leg cramps. I felt like crap, was running 10+ minute miles, my calf was cramping up and wasn't sure about being able to finish. They made me keep going, following me on their bikes for much of the last 6 miles. My daughter Amanda's voice kept playing through my head, "patience Dad, this it all about finishing". Amazing how much the athletes in the rear of the pack support each other, it was nice and helpful, you can talk a lot more when combining walking with running. Around 10 miles I felt better, except for the cramping that would appear after every 4 minutes or so of running. It was a slow slog to the finish, about 30 minutes slower than anticipated, but at least I did finish my first and last half-ironman.

We had the BEST location for our motel, literally right next to the start/finish/transition area, a 100 yard walk from our bike rack to the motel room (Sunset Park Motel). Didn't have to worry about driving, parking, bathrooms, it was great. Thanks to Joanne for the photos.


Lou, Eileen, Mike W., Me, Jan post-race


  1. Mike fantastic. You got that hot day monkey off your back. You're good to go!

  2. Awesome accomplishment! You don't look tired at all in your finished photo.

  3. Congratulations Mike, the next one will be easier.Having said that you guys are forgetting what I HAVE ALWAYS TAUGHT:TRAIN ON HILLS AND RACE ON THE FLATS.
