Monday, November 28, 2011


There is a friend of ours, a longtime Sal's runner, who is moving into firm AARP age on Wednesday, November 30. Think of doubling that birthdate number. His name might be Lou, or maybe not, I certainly won't crack open the vault to say.

Here are twelve reasons to run with Lou!

12. The King of the One Liners. Invented the line, “is that a Halt Spray in your pocket or are you just happy to see me.” (courtesy MW)
11. Never have to initiate the pit stop on the run. Lou goes in 15 minute intervals. (MW)
10. He is easily convinced to drink Bourbon (no, not while running).
9. Anyone who can get trapped under his bike while riding indoors is a friend of mine.
8. Lou and I share November as our birthday month, this must be important.
7. He falls prey to peer pressure easily. Lou, want to attend Tri-Community College? (invite from Jan and Eileen) sure. Want to do the Shoreline Tri? sure. Lou, want enter a snowshoe race even though you've never been on them? sure. Want to run the xyz marathon? sure. The list goes on.
6. Lou willingly volunteers at many races throughout the year no matter what the weather.
5. Lou rode his bike 50 miles in the hilly Tupper Lake 1/2 IM despite losing half his gearing. This was a major accomplishment and testament to his determination.
4. He might be a vampire, waking up by 4:30am everyday, running by 5:20am, asleep soon after sunset.
3. Much like a Labrador Retriever Lou is gentle, intelligent and family-friendly with a  stable temperament suitable for a variety of activities while possessing a sound, athletic, well-balanced conformation.
2. Lou knows we go east on the canal path, except when we go west. Much like Ken Kesey writing, "you're either on the bus, or off the bus", Lou knows we don't leave the path.
1. He is my lifeline for baseball answers, especially concerning the Yankees (don't call it trivia, there is no trivia in baseball, it's all important - Lou tells me this all the time, so it must be true).

1 comment:

  1. Great birthday present. I'm a bit weepy! Thanks Mike. I will no longer let MW steal your news paper as we run by your house in the morning.
