Thursday, April 8, 2010

Pittsburgh Marathon

Lou, Mike W. and Pete are running the Pittsburgh Marathon on May 2. (Eileen may also run, depends on an injury healing).
Top Ten Things That Will Happen at the Pittsburgh Marathon.

10. Jan and I will get lost or stuck in traffic on our way to spectate (we are going to Pittsburgh for a wedding Saturday night)and miss our three amigos.
9. After arriving at his hotel, Lou will drive around in circles in the parking garage until he gets just the right spot.
8. MW will be able to watch a Yankees game on cable tv the night before the marathon, but fall asleep during the second inning.
7. People will cheer for Lou more than anyone else in the race (Lou is such a natural name to shout out, LOUUUUEEEE, GOGOGO LOUIS, LOULOULOULOU).
6. Lou will take a scale to measure the calories in each Gel package he uses during the race.
5. Joanne, Eileen and Yolanda will enjoy three hours of big city shopping and wear out their charge cards.
4. Water stop volunteers will be confused when Pete keeps asking for pickle juice.
3.MW will finish in 3:39:22, Lou will run a 3:44:08, Pete a 3:56:18 and all three will qualify for the 2010 Boston Marathon!
2.MW will eat a greasy cheeseburger (or two) for a post-race celebration meal.
1. The group will end up off the expressway, heading towards Ohio on a dirt road, listening to Country & Western music from the 1960's on the radio when trying to drive home to New York.


  1. You forgot my post race scotch, otherwise you were right on.

  2. Thanks for the optimism.

    BTW That was nice hair.
