If two numbskulls take a right turn and race down a hill on their bikes, wondering why the rest of the group isn't following, will anyone care? I had a bad feeling something was amiss as we passed the Bristol Harbor golf course, which I had never seen on previous rides near Canandaigua Lake. But Mike and I were having so much fun, riding at 35 mph even with brakes pumping on and off, that we continued.
We reached the bottom and that's when Mike heard his phone. Jan had left a message, they were on the opposite end of Seneca Point Rd, waiting for our return. They had screamed at us to stop, but we couldn't hear with the wind whizzing past our ears. It was my fault, direction guy, even with a highlighted map I chose the wrong way to turn. We began to snake our way up the mountain, yes it was a hill going down, but a 9% grade going up is a mountain. Mike walked for a bit, but I was able to bike, albeit slowly, back and forth across and gradually up the mountain. After I pulled 50 yards ahead, Mike got back on his bike, but pulled an Artie Johnson

and fell over. "C'mon, stop playing around Mike", I yelled. "But I'm bleeding!" Mike said. "Don't make me come back down this mountain you baby, get up and ride". Oh yeah, I'm tough.
Eventually Mike got on his bike and powered up the road. Well, pushed the pedals and slowly inched his way along. A few golfers stopped and shook their clubs at us. Evidently our swearing had disturbed their swings. Fifteen or more minutes after taking the wrong turn we finally re-joined our peloton. I think they had lunch while we were gone.
We continued on our way back to Canandaigua and Kershaw Park, ending a beautiful day with a swim in the 66 degree water, two of us opting to end the swim fairly quickly.