Friday, March 6, 2009

Spring Marathons?

Strong rumors persist that Sal's members LouIwantmytrophyfrom2008K and MikeIllrunamarathonanywhereloudoesW are running the Buffalo Marathon in May. In addition, Andy, Rick and Mikethe4th are proudly representing us at Boston.

Louwhereismy2008Buffaloshirt's daughter will also be making her marathon debut at Buffalo. Seems Lou told her, "you want to eat in our house, you'll run a marathon, darn it". Lou calls this tough love.

I needed a photo to make this post more exciting and went to the Buffalo Marathon site. Unbelievable, there is MW grunting his way through last year's 1/2 marathon, desperately trying to catch or beat LK. Mike is wearing a singlet, blue shorts, sunglasses and a hat.


  1. Hey, nice picture. It must have been in the first mile. I'm not crying.

  2. He always looks like that. Just ask his wife.
