Bob Harper's ( a personal trainer from the television show, "Biggest Loser") book "The Skinny Rules" has a number of rules for a healthy method of eating to lose weight. In addition to advice he also has a number of recipes.
I began reading the book in secret when Jan was visiting our granddaughter during April. I quickly realized strictly following all of his rules and food to eat wasn't going to work for me. Either I wasn't confident about cooking the food his way or had no desire to eat his choices. Fish, fish, fish, is a big part of many of Harper's meals.
If it isn't a tuna fish sandwich or casserole, or deep fried, I don't want to eat fish. Sorry, not happening.
But I have adapted a few changes to my diet and in 5 weeks lost 5lbs and 1/2 inch from my waist, which is good steady progress. My goal is to lose another 5lbs and at least an inch more from my waist. Besides looking better (less stomach roll over my swimsuit) maybe I'll run a bit faster. It's not always easy to suck in my gut or cover my waist with a towel at the MCC pool when all those young, fast swimmers are around. Bad enough I'm bald(ing?), wrinkly and slow in the pool.
For those of you desiring to follow this soon to be world-renown diet plan, here are some of the major points;
1. Keep it simple. Read all the diet books you want, but a balanced diet will eventually be more successful.
2. Find healthy foods you like to eat. I am not going to drink a green smoothy, just isn't eye appealing. I'm not going to eat bananas in a smoothy, the taste is yucky. Find alternatives that your taste buds enjoy having.
3. Try and be patient. This is a work-in-progress for me. We aren't on a television show, it's real life. So what if you only lose a pound a week? In 20 weeks that is 20 pounds, that's a lot of weight and inches off your body.
4. If you are working out a lot, weights, running, biking, etc, you need protein, much more protein than the average American. You can't exist on an almost all carbohydrate diet, which I tried to do for years thinking it was the right thing when training for longer distances.
5. Drink 8 ounces of water within a few minutes of waking up in the morning. (Bob's Rule)
6. Drink 8 ounces of water before every meal.(Bob's Rule)
7. More protein, less carbohydrates, more fruit & vegetables (Bob's Rule)
8. No snacking after dinner. (My rule, I'm a cookie hound and really need to watch this weakness)
9. Now that I can run again after three months of being injured I'm trying to workout at least 10x a week instead of the previous 5-7. I want my minimum daily average to be at least an hour of exercise. For everyone else, even taking a 10 minute walk at lunchtime, or doing planks and pushups for a few minutes in the morning, will help in addition to your regular exercise routine.
10. Less bread, pasta, rice, potatoes. If you are going to eat these foods, be careful about portion size and choose whole-grains. Eat pasta with extra protein, there are several brands that sell this.
Those are the basics, a sneak preview of the e-book I'm sure will be an internet sensation. Keep your eyes open for it.
You can actually get your daily carb recommendations from mostly vegetables, it's the processed carbs that contain a lot of sugar along with the carbs that are the biggest problem for people (um,, yes please, pasta, yes please, green stuff, no thank you) Veggies also have a lot of our recommended vitamins and minerals that processed carbs would have to be fortified with if they had it. Good job on the weight loss! And great point on twenty weeks. :)