There are many methods to finding fun in life, I happen to have ten to add to the list;
10. Finally having United Airlines get us to our location on time without incident, a first.
9. Enjoying the 75-80 degree days and 55 degree nights in Beaverton, Oregon (with little rain, mostly sun!).
8. Using a sledge hammer to help tear down 40 year old kitchen cupboards in your daughter's home.
7. Running to Nike headquarters a mile from daughter's home and following wood chip path around the campus, hoping to spot a star professional runner.
6. Eating cinnamon roll french toast at the Big Bear restaurant, a decadent 1,400 calories!
5. Reserving a compact car for a week, only to be told they were all out and only had a GMC Yukon (kind of like a tank, only much more luxurious). Same price as the small car.
4. Trying several new varieties of small batch microbrewery Portland beers.
3. Learning to use an electric miter saw and sawz-all (?spelling) for the first time.
2. Taking night time walks around the .9 mile block every night with Captain (an annoying but fun dog), Jan and Ellowyn (granddaughter).
1. Sitting in a quiet nursery rocking Ellowyn to sleep.
You are adorable. I hope I will be a gushy grandpappy some day. Come home and start some good hard