Sarcopenia is the overall weakening of the human body caused by a change in body composition in favor of fat and at the expense of muscle. (from the book, "Biomarkers: the 10 determinents of aging you can control" by William Evans) Many adults are suffering with this condition or, at least, heading towards this direction at a quick rate. Sarcopenia does not have to happen.
It is so easy for most of us to slip into a sedentary way of living which results in more muscle mass being replaced by fat. *This is not necessary or a normal part of aging! Each of us does possess the ability to alter our Biomarkers. The two primary biomarkers are muscle mass and strength. Scientific studies have shown remarkable gains even among nursing home patients aged 85+ who were involved in an exercise program.
The eight other biomarkers we can influence are; BMR-basal metabolic rate, % of body fat, aerobic capacity, blood sugar tolerance, cholesterol/HDL ratio, blood pressure, bone density and the ability to regulate your internal temperature.
We should look beyone the notion of losing weight and concentrate on building and maintaining muscle at the expense of fat. Strong muscle causes your metabolism to rise, increases your aerobic capacity because working muscles consume more oxygen, use more insulin which lowers your diabetes risk and aids in maintaining beneficial HDL levels.
This topic is important and will be examined more fully in a later blog article. Suffice to say, weightlifting and/or strength exercises, done on a regular basis with proper form is important, no matter what your age.
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