Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Shoreline Multi-Distance Festival

The sunny, hot Saturday morning didn't stop our hero, Mike W from completing his second 1/2 marathon of the year. After four miles, realizing the 80+ 8:30am temps weren't favoring a quick pace, MW did the wise thing, backed off the pace and enjoyed the farm field scenery of Hamlin. Almost 300 people ran the half and there were NO dnf's, which is incredible, considering the weather.

Lou and I competed in the Tri on Sunday, which unfortunately was changed to a Duathlon because of the white caps in Lake Ontario. The race became a 2mile run/15.7bike/2 mile run. The top 10 reasons I beat Lou at the race are:

10. I paid Joanne to keep his asthma inhaler.
9. Lou, missing the swim, biked with a wet suit on.
8. The wind was intense and the sail Lou attached to his bike for speed actually pushed him backwards.
7. I got to T1 first and let the air out of Lou's tires.
6. MW, road marshall supreme, sent Lou in the wrong direction. For a few minutes Lou thought he was winning the race!
5. The run course looped through a small woods section and Lou couldn't pass up a chance to become one with Mother Nature. He's a runner, why use a real bathroom if you don't have to?
4. Lou's water bottle was mysteriously switched to American Honey Bourbon. He wobbled more than normal on the bike.
3. Lou noticed Joanne taking photos of him and got off the bike to pose.
2. My slight head start on the bike out of T1 allowed me to switch the arrows on a couple of roads, sending Lou in the wrong direction.
1. Lou couldn't decide if he was in the 55-59 age group or 60+. His mind was working overtime trying to do the math and when Lou began using his bike computer, which only does time/speed/rpm he became totally confused. The computer began sparking and flew off his bike onto the road. Lou tried to use his spidey hands to grab it, got caught in the spokes, spun around and upside down, landing back on the seat. But the time loss was too great and he couldn't make it up on the last run.

Victory goes to....ME!

1 comment:

  1. I have to remember to take off those darn goggles!
