Friday, March 25, 2011


From Running Times, 3/2011, Scott Douglas.

It's not uncommon to go to bed thinking, "Darn, I should have run today." It's not common to go to bed thinking, "I shouldn't have run today."

There are no junk miles. If you're not injured so badly that you're altering your form, or so sick that you feel worse after running, then it's all good...even slower paced runs promote blood flow, clear your mind, burn calories, assist with training...(paraphrased)

Look, you know you're going to run. So don't waste time and mental energy staring out the window at the horrible weather.

A national class woman who runs easy miles at 7:30/mile is doing recovery runs at more than 2 minutes per mile slower than her 10k pace. Do you (really slow down for recovery?). paraphrased.

Always get in a run before getting on an airplane.

Something is almost always better than nothing...real life intrudes...a 4-miler is much closer to a 10-miler than a 0-miler is.

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