Apparently UK wildlife photographer, Paul Goldstein is going to run four marathons during the month of April with a Bengal Tiger on his back.

Mr. Goldstein is raising money to assist in saving Bengal Tigers from the rampant poaching going on. The money will buy equipment and patrol vehicles for the parks where tigers are supposed to be protected and encourage more tourists to visit, adding to the local economy.
In a related story, MW is planning on running three races, the Spring Forward 15k, Lilac 10k and the Lake Placid half-marathon with Molly on his back. Molly is Mike's 10 pound dog. MW likes to pretend he doesn't like Molly, but I rarely see the two apart. It's fine if MW wants to take Molly on car trips and run with Molly in a carrying pack that most parents use for a child. Problems arise at the SUNY Brockport pool however, as most swimmers don't appreciate MW and Molly sharing a lane while doing the doggy paddle. It's also bizarre when MW hooks his Wizard of Oz bike basket to his Trek road bike, loads in Molly and races Eileen around town. MW is raising money for his Scotch Whiskey fund.