Monday, August 9, 2010

Fall Marathons

Did I miss the memo on the renewed interest in marathons? Jan has been training and me, semi-training, for the Wineglass Marathon in October. We found out last week that registration closed, a first for this marathon.
Looking for alternates, I discovered today, August 9, that the Mohawk-Hudson marathon and half-marathon are closed. Two weeks ago Steamtown closed. These are three marathons that never sell out.
Are baby-boomers checking off items on their bucket lists? Are the times allotted for marathon "running" too long (up to 7 hours) so more people find finishing doable?

The search continues, with cost also being a consideration, for example Philly, is up to $125. Still a few bargains out there that are open, such as Harrisburg at $55, Columbus Ohio at $75. Richmond Suntrust in Virginia is also open, but is currently $90.
It will be an interesting decision on which to run.


  1. tronaticWineglass may still be open. I heard that it was the relay that closed.

  2. individual closed on August 8.

  3. maybe it's just a conspiracy against you.
