Five days after the event and I'm finally ready to discuss it. Highland Forest had plenty of snow on the course, 90% of it ungroomed, which did not make for fast times. The organizers wanted a tough, challenging course and they got it. The mile plus long single track was difficult to maneuver through, at least for me. I needed about another 6 inches so I could plant my foot. I was trying to figure out a stride that would work and never really came up with one.
Looking back, basically my race came down to the fact that I ran scared. I started too slow, had problems in the snow, used that as an excuse to go slower and got passed by many people. I took myself out of the race more than any competitor did. Afraid of the hills in the middle, at about mile 4.5, and the ridiculous climb up the sledding hill at the end (which was actually triple the sledding hill and steep as hell) I never really ran to my limit. Idiot, chicken crap.
The average female 10k runner was 10 minutes behind their qualifying time at Mendon Ponds. The average male was 15 minutes slower (we ran after the females and the snow was more torn up). I "ran" 23 minutes slower. Just absurd. Maybe I am too fat for single track! LOL.
Eileen had a great race, finishing 4th in her age group, just missing the podium by a minute or so! Mike W. struggled much like me. But we all have a national championship experience and finish, which is good.
The facility and organization was excellent. Now the shoes are put away for a couple of seasons as we move to running and maybe a tri or two.