Began at 173lbs. two weeks ago. Lost one pound the first week. I felt skinnier three days later for some reason and weighed myself again, up 6 pounds! How is that possible? So I weighed myself the next day, still at 178! Okay, this is ridiculous, so I didn't drink any wine or beer for two out of the next four days. It was tough to take such a drastic measure, but the sacrifice would be worth it, I hoped.
I weighed myself today, Sunday, December 13, 169.5lbs. Of course that was after working at a race for 4 hours, riding my bike an hour and lifting weights, but hey, it counts, right?
Well, maybe not.
Okay, okay, I'll weigh myself for real Monday morning and see what it really is. I hope Lou and Mike are home eating M&M's right now.
ok, MW, I think we ahve adjusted MM's scale enough times?