Monday, November 9, 2009


If you look closely in the blog photo introducing Salsmiles, Mike and Lou are walking down the canal path, each with a dog on a leash, Mikes Molly and Lou's Teddy. The owners and dogs are all wearing Yankee shirts and caps.

Reasons why Mike and Lou need a dog:
1. The little dog paws come off the ground as much as Mike and Lou's feet while running, making them feel empowered.
2. What better protection when walking on the canal path than a cockapoo and a, ...well, whatever Teddy is (small and hairy).
3. When Mike and Lou make their wives angry and aren't allowed to sleep in the same bed anymore, they each have a dog to cuddle with on the couch.
4. Dogs like to get up at 5am, Mike and Lou like to run at 5am.
5. Teddy and Molly like to chase squirrels, Mike and Lou are nuts.
6. Eileen and Joanne said so.


  1. Top 10 Good Things About Having a Dog.
    1. Someone in the house that smells worse than me. At least I can blame the dog.
    2. We can adore Eileen in shifts saving time and energy.
    3. Good reason to dodge expensive vacations. “What would we do with Molly?”
    4. Excellent watch dog. When a burglar shows up, Molly would silently watch.
    5. Someone in the house at the same intellectual level.
    6. Score points by doing 1 or 2 of the disgusting tasks that dog owning involves.
    7. Easy to find Eileen. Just follow trail of dog hair.
    8. Get to wear matching sweaters with Molly.
    9. Fun watching her slip and slide on the wood floor. Bowling for biscuits?
    10. 2 words….warm feet.

  2. The sad part is that this is all true. In addition -

    #7. If Mike and I fall down or get injured, the dogs can run home and tell our wives that we need help.

    #8 - If a mugger jumps out from behind some bushes, our dogs will pee on their shoes.

    #9 - We love to buy little dog asics training shoes.

    #10 - Cliff bar doggy goo - yummy!

  3. Maybe Fleet Feet can fit your dogs with the proper shoe. Better have the dogs looked at for stride on the treadmill, we don't want the little buggers to have any foot injuries.

  4. I don't understand any problems with owning a dog, or should I say waiting on a dog.
