Wednesday, October 21, 2009

XC at Ithaca

Good Luck to the Fleet Feet teams of Rochester competing at Ithaca College this weekend. The weather looks awesome and I'm sure there will be some great races! Here is my version of the course description that was sent earlier in an email. Sorry I can't be at the race, but Prez. Obama is calling me to DC. :)

The course is challenging, another 6k. The start area quickly shrinks to a 3 person wide path and heads uphill. Don't get sucked in here, relax, get up the hill, and you will pass many people who went out too fast and are now gasping for air. After a mile or so of some flat, small up and downs, you get to Mt. Everest. This is pretty much single track up a steep hillside, many people walked this, but it will slow everyone down even if you are running, unless you are part billy-goat. Work the hill but keep it under control. At the top you have at least a mile of flat and downhill to the finish, you can press it here and pass lots of people who misjudged the hills. The last 2-300 yards are downhill and flat to the finish, near where you started. Let it rip. Spikes, if you have them, would be helpful.

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