One of the most famous Domestique's is George Hincapie, who played a large role in support of Lance Armstrong and his 7 Tour de France championships (George on left, Lance on right in photo).

Sometimes I feel like Eileen and I are domestiques for Jan. We don't ride with her for 100 miles, but team up or accompany Jan on shorter (20-60 mile) rides. Before rides I mix our bottles of Heed, Sustained Energy, get the Hammer Bars and gels, and make sure there is enough Endurolytes for both of us. Many times I plan the routes, Jan may not even know exactly where we are going until the turn is coming up.
Do you think George mopped Lance's floors or cleaned his tub? I wonder if George cooked many of the team dinners or had to do the dishes? As a teammate, did George mow Lance's lawn and pull weeds? Probably not.
Maybe I should put together a resume and apply for next year's Tour as a domestique? Of course I may have to learn how to ride up a mountain or take part in a team time trial riding at 30mph. There should be a masters division in the Tour. Why not have teams of over 40+ and 50+ age riders? Now that would be fair. Excuse me while I go write a letter to the head of the Tour de France.
Posted by Mike at 1:13 PM
Labels: Domestique, George Hincapie, Lance Armstrong
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