One of our own, Richard Withrow, was nominated and approved for the Greater Rochester Track Club Hall of Fame! Dick was the GRTC president during the 1980's, when club membership was at an all time high. He directed local races, served as volunteer coordinator for the Lilac 10k for many years and coached at the high school level.
Dick was (and still is) a formidable racer, especially as a masters runner in his 40's. He ran a marathon in the 2:40 range and consistently won or placed in the top 3 in his age group at every race he entered. Dick competed equally well among runners half his age for many years.
It is an honor to know him, run with him in the Spencerport area, and now, train for triathlons together.
Dotto to all that and more. Way to go Dick. See you at the banquet. Lou