Thursday, February 22, 2018


I've read some abbreviations in texts and on Twitter that I just don't understand. It could be an age thing, or maybe I'm ignorant.

What if I typed, FTW? It could be Fu.. The World or For The Win. That's quite a difference and could easily be taken out of context. But it's just IMNSHO or the shortcut IMHO or maybe IMO.
DGMW (don't get me wrong) I try to use shortcuts when tweeting or texting, FWIW. (for what it''s worth). Sometimes I'm in a rush and will really TTYL (talk to you later) when I have more time.

IMO there should be more abbreviations that can be interpreted/used for exercising. I can text Jan and tell her at lunch I had a GTW. (good treadmill workout) or that RST (running sucked today). I can tell Mike and Lou I'll meet them for a run ATCB (at the canal bridge).

This is KOF (kind of fun) making up a language like Tolkien in "The Hobbit". It WFM (works for me). FWIW I really will be ATCB this Saturday morning, per our usual routine.


  1. WTF. And this is why everyone hates Millennials. Hehe. (It took me forever to figure out WTF and LOL. Still don't know if LOL means Laugh Out Loud or Loads of Laughter.) Hidden code for people in the know I guess. Here are a Couple Army ones: SNAFU. NARFU, FUBAR. BNOC. TOC. AO. JDAM. Etc. I guess we did it before texting and twitter were even born...

  2. Thanks to Saving Private Ryan I know FUBAR, but not the other Army ones.

  3. I think you're pretty good at this new language. I had to use context of the text to figure out what you were trying to write me the other night. :)
