Monday, November 13, 2017

Still Injured? Why Yes I Am. .

Sometimes I think my plantar fascia is never going to heal. In the last three weeks I've run 2.8 miles and shouldn't have run the last .8, but I had to get home and by then walking hurt just as much. Stupid foot.
I wear running shoes with inserts to work, not the best look but if it helps so what? I ice my foot. I have a tennis ball on my desk that I use to massage my foot 2-3 times while working. I take mega-doses of Advil, destroying my liver, but if it fixes my foot who cares? The liver will grow back, my foot won't.
I massage my foot at home, stretch constantly, wear a boot at home, sometimes a Strassburg (?) sock at night while sleeping, though that is annoying.
The pain has gone down to maybe 20%, but I know if I run it will shoot right back up. If it stayed a constant 20% I'd be happy and deal with it. Getting old sucks.

Ten things about having an injured plantar fascia;
1. I drink more alcohol, well being injured is my excuse to do that anyhow.
2. I'm getting fat, gaining five pounds in two weeks. I guess this could be related to the alcohol?
3. My running shoes aren't getting worn down and still look clean. Maybe that is good?
4. I can bike without pain, so am doing that indoors about 3-4x per week.
5. I can eat anything since I don't have to worry about having bathroom issues while on the run.
6. Swimming is going well, again 2-3x a week.
7. Jan and I are doing a 30 day squat challenge. I pretend this will build up muscles to support my foot better.
8. My big 10k Thanksgiving Day race, coming up in 10 days, looks like it's not happening. I may be support crew for Jan and friends.
9. Driving actually makes the plantar fascia hurt. I find this weird, it's the left foot, not the brake/gas pedal foot.
10. Outwardly I pretend I'm patient. Actually people at work haven't noticed my limp. Jan puts up with my whining, at least somewhat.

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