Thursday, March 12, 2015

Johnny's Running of the Green

The annual 5 mile St. Patrick's race that begins the real racing season in Rochester is this Saturday. After record setting snowfall and cold in our area for February most runners were hoping March would bring in lots of sun and warmth.

We have had a few days in the 40+ degree range, which was most welcome. But we still have 2-4 foot drifts in most yards and have only just begun to see brown mud along some highways. Predictions for the race time weather have changed quite a bit over the last five days. As of today, Thursday, it looks like 37 degrees and an 85% chance of rain. Better than the sleet predicted a couple of days ago, but still cold rain isn't much fun to be out in.

In honor of the cold rain I re-wrote a famous song, "Singing in the Rain", which was a hit for Gene Kelly many years ago. If you don't know the tune, watch the video. It's pretty easy to sing to.

I'm running in the rain
Just running in the rain
What a soggy feeling
I'm soaked again
I'm angry at the clouds
So dark up above
There’s mud on my feet
And I'm ready for the hot tub
Let the stormy clouds chase
Everyone from the race
Come on already with the rain
There’s no smile on my face
I'll run down the lane
With no joy in my refrain
Just dodging puddles in the rain.
I’m running in the rain.

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