Mike ran the 13.1 mile race along the waterfront and through the streets of Charleston in a time of 1:45:00, an 8:01 per mile pace. He placed 6/144 in his age group! Fantastic.
Their daughter Meghan was 4/464 in her age group for the 5k, with a 26:07 time. Wow!
Then there was Eileen, who will forever be referred to as Grand Master!
Eileen was awarded a famous Water Buffalo hat from the Flintstones for her accomplishment.
Eileen ran the 5k in 26:33, an 8:33 pace and finished 1/55 in her age group! She really is the Grand Master champion.
Rumors are the Weinpress family enjoyed a basket of Charleston Chews and danced the night away while celebrating their dominance. 

Being the Grand Master was always implied. The Shrimp and Grits award just made it official. It has its benefits, too. We had extra leg room seating on both of our flights home.
ReplyDeleteDoing the Charleston into the wee hours was almost as much fun as the race! I didn't even know they were taking our picture when we were dancing!! GM#3