Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Wishes for 2015

2014 only needs a short review, not an independent blog post since it was kind of dismal as far as sports for myself, Jan and friends. Filled with lots of injuries, surgery, physical therapy, slower than desired race times and, really, a lack of participation. Personally I completed three sprint triathlons, a 5k and a 10k. Oh, I did complete last year's Freezeroo series which was going to lead me to a great 2014 but that didn't pan out.

There were a few top three age group finishes in various races, but not what Sals, or friends of Sals, usually win. I see 2015 as a comeback year for many of us.

I hope we are all healthy throughout the year. Sure, there may be some minor aches and pains, but nothing debilitating.  My personal goal, which may sound a bit silly, is to finish in the top three in my age group for Rochester Runner of the Year. To accomplish this goal I will have to run a majority of those races and consistently place in the top 10 and higher. The series typically includes a one mile race on the track, several 5k races, maybe one or two 10k's and possibly a 15k or half-marathon. If I am truly in running shape these are good distances for me.

I will not be attempting a marathon. After the 2012 Marine Corps Marathon (my 19th marathon) I said that would be my last one and am still sticking with that statement. I visit my shoulder surgeon on December 29th and am hoping he gives me clearance to begin running again next week or soon thereafter.

I'm curious what some of your goals are for 2015. Please send a comment with your thoughts.


  1. I think I might need a little more time to set my goals. I have realized that my desire to race is linked to my running buds. I don't like to go to races alone.
    I am running a 13.1 in January in SC. I am really want to run the Boilermaker and a marathon...well I think I just may do another last one. More to come. Health and happiness are always the primary goals. Everything else is gravy. If you are planning to race more, you're going to need an athletic supporter. I am here. MW

  2. Goal is to build up to half marathon. After that, would like to get close to my old blazing pace. After that, health and world peace are always a goal. Boilmaker and a half in Sarasota are on the schedule. Really just looking to be back in the fold more full time. Lk
