Many U.S. airlines schedule red-eye flights to accommodate passengers needs. My belief this should be a discounted ticket due to the inconvenience and inevitable tiredness that will occur for several days after. Of course that doesn't happen.
A couple of friends of mine, let's call them Eileen and Mike, just came home from vacationing in Salt Lake City and arrived in Rochester on the red-eye. A recent poll came up with 10 things that happen or to be concerned about on red-eye flights.
1. Many of the passengers fall asleep, what keeps the pilots awake? Are they really awake or is the plane on cruise control?
2. If a plane speeds at night does anyone care or know? Is there a speed limit in the sky like the interstate system for automobiles? If the plane flew at 390mph instead of 340, what difference would it make?
3. People sometimes snore at night. This can be annoying if you aren't the snorer. Typically my friend Mike might get punched by Eileen for snoring, but on the plane can she go around punching every snorer? No, at least not without being on YouTube or Good Morning America. This is a minor victory for Mike.
4. I want whatever brand coffee the flight crew is having to help me stay awake at work.
5. If it's two in the morning and a passenger gets hungry does the flight crew mind him/her going to the kitchen and making their own snack? Isn't that what people do at home, like Dagwood?
6. I hope everyone wears their pajamas, no naked sleeping on the plane!
7. Does the flight crew only do red-eye flights, like when I only worked the B or C shift at Kodak?
8. Be sure to bring your own blankie, using the multi-used airplane blanket is a bit icky.
9. If you must take your shoes off to sleep make sure you have a good pair of socks. No one wants to see holes in your socks as you walk to the bathroom at 2am. Clean socks, please, no stinky feet wanted either!
10. Don't forget the sleep mask, headphones, soothing music and brush your teeth before boarding to make it seem like you are going to bed.
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