My anxiety level flew off the charts yesterday and I wasn't sure why until realizing that the official fourteen week training plan for the Tupper Lake, NY Tinman Triathlon began. This week's schedule includes the Spring Forward 15k road race on Sunday April 1, so it is a bit light. Three days of biking 20-25 miles, three days swimming 1500-2000 meters and four days of running 4-6 miles.
Twenty miles of biking seemed short, when I have already completed indoor rides up to 56 miles, so yesterday I rode 36. Jan, of course, had to do more than me, so she rode 38. But I ran three miles after biking so I could get used to the Uglies feeling.
Uglies are how your legs feel coming off the bike. There is a noticeable tendency to want to walk, or better yet, lay down on the ground and forget running at all. I managed to complete three miles, including two decent hills (which Tupper provides in the first few miles), at the amazing pace of 9:45! Well, it felt like running to me. There won't be any twelve mile runs the day before Tinman, so hopefully my legs won't feel quite so bad? I even thought about having a quick turnover and concentrated on being light on my feet, like Coach Troy teaches, but at 9:45 that must not have been happening anyplace but in my mind.
fifil hetinge
I'm worried about you guys. If somebody my age could do it, it should be nothing for you younger guys.
mw - Dick keeps throwing his age at us. Not fair. He isn't old. He's just been around a long time.