Why didn't I think of this?
At the NYC marathon spectators can have text alerts sent to their phones so they can follow up to 3 runners. But, if you pay $2.99, you can download an app, which 100,000 people are expected to do. The NY Road Runners Club gets 70% of the revenue from the app and Apple 30%. The app has video of the race, you can track runners, see countdown clocks and leader boards.
Here are some other features of the app, "... track other runners by searching for their names, bib numbers or teams. Their locations throughout the race will show up on a map. By tapping on other tabs, users can identify the locations of live music along the race course, mile markers, shops selling official merchandise and the locations of retail outlets like Dunkin Donuts and Subway. If they opt in, users can receive offers for discounts to these shops. "
"Either on a full screen or split screen, users can watch live feeds of the broadcast as well as streamed video clips called Daily Cool Down (which includes behind-the-scenes looks at the top runners) and NYRR live, which focuses on the strategies and careers of the elite athletes. There will also be a live Flickr feed for photos. "
"There is also a course guide, tips for the best spots to see the race, and news and weather feeds. Perhaps the most practical feature is the Friend Finder. Runners who carry their phones (hopefully in their pockets, not in their hands) can choose to allow people to track them even when they are off the course."
Belson, Ken. "A Phone App to Keep Fans in Touch." New York Times 27 Oct. 2011: B16(L). Infotrac Newsstand. Web. 27 Oct. 2011.
Not a bad income stream! This is just the beginning if this app is successful. In addition to the subscribers, businesses will pay $ to be included on the retail outlet maps.
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