No, I'm not turning this into a permanent political blog, but after watching the recent New York State Gubernatorial debate, I have to comment.
This show was the most entertaining debate I have ever seen! It was better than any SNL skit or reality show. From the right wing comes Carl "I hate gays" Paladino, from the left, our self-proclaimed protector, The Kid, Andy Cuomo. Throw in a southern speaking Green Party candidate, backed by none other than Ralph Nader (how can he still be alive, he was running for office when I was a mere child?), Howie Hawkins, the former Madam Kristin "I love fake tans, facelifts and cue cards" Davis, Jimmie "The Rent is 2 Damn High" McMillan, Warren Redlich of the Libertarian Party, Charles Barron of the Freedom Party and we have a circus like no one has seen, except possibly California.
The media's current topic of choice seems to be the Frederick Douglass lookalike, Jimmie McMillan.

But my choice may be Kristin Davis. Let's examine her credentials;
1. millionaire businesswoman who started with nothing and created an empire - I believe in entrepeneurship.
2. based on her business choice, must be a good communicator one-on-one or small groups, so she could handle the backroom politics of Albany.
3. Strong supporter of the medical profession based on the facelifts and body part adjustments.
4. Only candidate who won't cut jobs to save our state. In fact, she will create jobs and money by making gambling and pot legal.
5. We don't have to worry about a sex scandal ruining her credibility.
6. She can read well, obvious by the use of cue cards in the debate. This bodes well for libraries!
So, who is your candidate?
I'm with you 100%. lou