Sal's runners are doing pretty well in the Rochester Runner of the Year series. Jan moved up to 7th place in the 50-54 age group (top 5 get awards), Al zoomed into 14th after his 5th place finish in the Medved 5k for the 50-54 group. I finally got on the board after three non-top ten finishes and am 26th place! Yea for me!
MikeidontcareaboutrroythisyearW is tied with Loooiiiiee for 22nd in the 55-59 group and Cousin Ken Katz is in contention in the same group for a top five finish! Jen K is in 21st place in a tough group, but no one in that age group has completed four races yet so the field is wide open.
PickleJuicePete took over first with an age group victory in the 65-69 division. New Roger is holding on to fourth place.
There are two keys to doing well in the RROY series; Be fast and run as many of the races as possible because you never know who will show up race day and the more RROY races you run the better chance you have at scoring points. Four is the minimum to be eligible for prizes but your best six races count for total points.
Next race is July 3rd, the Fairport 5miler. I will be working the race so come out and run, maybe I'll pull your timing chip off at the end?
After you pull my chip will you pull my finger?