The first new catchphrase for 2009 is "I pulled a Lou", as in, "while riding my bike on the indoor trainer, the bike came unhitched and I fell over, trapped with my shoes in the pedals".
Lou cried out for his wife, but she said, "if you want to talk to me, stop yelling and come over to the room I'm in". An understandable and reasonable request on her part. Unfortunately Lou was unable to honor the request as he was trapped by the bike. After a fierce struggle involving moaning and whining, Lou managed to get untangled from the mess, recover, and begin cycling again with only his ego damaged.
This morning, to begin the new year, I "pulled a Lou", as somehow my bike let loose from my trainer and I toppled over. Luckily for me I don't have pedals with my feet locked in and was able to pull my foot out of the straps, thereby saving a disasterous complete fall into Mytriathletewife's bike.
As 2009 continues many of us will undoubtedly have bad luck befall us. For this year, just tell anyone you "Pulled a Lou". I'm sure the phrase will catch on and in a few months will sweep the world, or at least Spencerport.
I love being a trend setter!